Farming Rare Mounts: Hunting Down The Elusive Steeds Of Azeroth

Are you looking to show off your mount collection in World of Warcraft? With the release of new mounts, there are now more than 500 unique mounts available. But some of these mounts are a bit harder to come by.

If you’re looking for rare, elusive steeds, then farming rare mounts is the way to go. In this article, we’ll discuss different sources for rare mounts and useful strategies and tips for tracking them down. We’ll also talk about the rewards that come with farming rare mounts as well as related achievements.

Finally, we’ll look at what’s next on the horizon when it comes to farming rare mounts in WoW. So if you’re ready to embark on a quest for these majestic creatures, read on!

Key Takeaways

  • There are over 500 unique mounts available in World of Warcraft, and farming rare mounts is a way to obtain elusive steeds.
  • Strategies for farming rare mounts include checking auction houses, monitoring rarity values, and participating in special events, and joining groups can increase chances of success.
  • Rare mounts offer an extra layer of challenge and reward, and can be used to unlock achievements and titles, as well as make progress towards completing certain objectives within the game world.
  • Hunting down rare mounts requires dedication, patience, and perseverance, but the satisfaction that comes with finding a rare mount is unparalleled.

Different sources of rare mounts

You can find rare mounts in some unexpected places – from the depths of dungeons to the highest reaches of the sky!

One popular source for farming rare mounts is the auction house. Here, players have the opportunity to bid on mounts that are up for sale by other players. While this process can be expensive due to many competing bidders, it’s often worth it as these items tend to be extremely valuable and desirable.

Another way to acquire a rare mount is through completing certain quests which reward unique items that can only be obtained through specific objectives. Some of these rewards may include special mounts or even pet companions!

Lastly, crafting professions such as leatherworking and engineering offer recipes for specialty mounts that require hard-to-find ingredients. But once crafted, they are permanent additions to your collection.

To further maximize your chances of success with farming rare mounts, it’s important to understand strategies you should take when hunting down these elusive steeds of Azeroth.

Strategies for farming rare mounts

To succeed in acquiring the sought-after beasts of this world, ya gotta know the tricks and tips. Farming rare mounts is no easy task, but it can be done if you’re willing to put in a bit of time and effort.

To maximize your chances of success, there are three key strategies that should be employed:

  1. Check auction houses for any listings – some players may try to sell their mounts at premium prices so keep an eye out!
  2. Monitor the rarity values – these change based on how many people have acquired a particular mount so tracking them closely will give you an idea of its availability.
  3. Participate in special events – these usually offer unique rewards such as rare mounts which are not available anywhere else.

By utilizing these three strategies, you’ll have a better chance at obtaining those elusive steeds of Azeroth that everyone desires. With enough dedication and perseverance, you can take your mount hunting adventures to the next level and acquire some truly remarkable creatures!

Now it’s time to take a look at more specific tips for farming rare mounts…

Tips for farming rare mounts

If you’re looking to farm rare mounts, joining groups to do so can be a great way to increase your chances. However, it’s important to remember that farming these mounts requires patience and perseverance; you may not find the mount you’re looking for on the first try.

With commitment and dedication though, you’ll eventually reap the rewards of finding one of these elusive steeds.

Joining groups

Catch the rarest mounts faster by joining groups; it’s your ticket to mount-hunting success! With some patience and strategy, you can find groups that have a higher chance of farming rare mounts.

Here are four key strategies for finding the right group:

  1. Use online forums or social media platforms to search for people who share your goal of farming rare mounts.
  2. Ask around in-game chat channels, such as trade or guild channels.
  3. Look at other players’ profiles to see what kind of activities they’re doing in game and if they might be part of a farming group.
  4. Join an established guild that is known for its mount-farming prowess.

With the right group, you can increase your chances of successfully farming rare mounts – but don’t forget that even with a great team, perseverance pays off too!

So keep hunting and eventually those elusive steeds will be yours.

Patience and perseverance

Patience is a virtue, and farming rare mounts in Azeroth takes not only patience but also perseverance; the rewards are worth it in the end!

Staying motivated and finding focus can be difficult when farming for rare mounts, as players often have to wait weeks or months before they encounter one. Despite this, having perseverance will pay off eventually.

It’s important to remain patient while still striving towards your goal of obtaining that mount you’ve been searching for! With enough dedication and determination, you’ll eventually get there. The sense of accomplishment that comes with finally getting what you wanted after a long period of hard work makes it all worth it in the end.

The rewards of farming rare mounts

You’ll reap the rewards of farming rare mounts when you finally get your hands on one–it’s worth all the hard work! The satisfaction that comes with finding the right mount is unparalleled.

It takes dedication, patience, and a few farming techniques to track down these elusive steeds of Azeroth. Here are some of the advantages of owning a rare mount:

  1. You can show off your hard-earned pride in style! Showing off a rare mount is sure to garner attention from other players who appreciate its beauty and rarity.
  2. Rare mounts give you bragging rights among friends and guild mates as they’ll be impressed by your success in tracking down such an elusive creature.
  3. Collecting rare mounts gives you something special to strive for in-game, which adds an extra layer of challenge and reward for gamers looking for something new to experience.

Having a rare mount also opens up opportunities for achievements related to them without needing to take another step; simply having it can already make progress towards completing certain objectives within the game world.

Achievements related to rare mounts

Owning a rare mount can help you unlock achievements and give you something special to work towards in-game – don’t you want to experience the thrill of success? Many players enjoy achievement grinding, where they aim to complete all of the available achievements in the game. Players who are dedicated to finding rare mounts may also want to server hop, or search for them across multiple servers. Doing this can open up access to more mount drops from bosses that have been previously killed on other servers.

Achievement GrindingServer Hopping
Requires dedication & patienceCan provide access to more mount drops
Unlocks rewards & titlesCan be time consuming & tedious

For those looking for even more challenge and rewards, there are numerous meta-achievements related specifically to rare mounts. These rewards often come with titles, mounts, pets, or other unique items that will make you stand out from the crowd. As an added bonus, many of these achievements require players to collect specific types of mounts rather than just one type – so if you’re looking for a bigger challenge then look no further! This is why farming rare mounts is such an exciting adventure; there’s plenty of ways for experienced players as well as new ones alike to get involved and reap the rewards. With all these options available it’s easy to see why so many World of Warcraft fans love hunting down the elusive steeds of Azeroth. Transitioning into the next section about ‘the future of rare mount farming in wow’, it’s clear that WoW continues offer plenty of innovative opportunities for both casual and hardcore gamers alike when it comes to achieving their goals within Azeroth’s world.

The future of rare mount farming in WoW

Discovering the hidden wonders of WoW’s rare mount farming can be an incredibly rewarding journey! Whether you’re looking to add a rare mount to your collection or just want to make some extra gold, there are plenty of auctioning tactics and pet collecting strategies that can help you get the most out of your adventure.

One strategy that many experienced players use is buying multiple auctions at once. By doing this, it increases the chances of obtaining a rare mount without having to spend too much money. Additionally, by understanding market trends and keeping track of recently sold mounts, you can get a good idea of how much certain pets are worth when they go up for auction.

Another great way to increase your success rate when farming for rare mounts is by using pet collecting sites such as Wowhead or Petopia. These websites provide detailed information on different types of pets, including their stats and where they spawn in-game. This allows you to focus your efforts on specific areas and gives you more control over which mounts you’re targeting.

With enough determination and patience, these strategies can help make your mount farming journey even more enjoyable!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to farm a rare mount?

You’re looking for the answer to how long it takes to farm a rare mount? It’s hard to say, but with good time management and an eye for maximizing rewards, you can expect some success in a reasonable amount of time.

Are there any special tools or techniques needed to farm rare mounts?

You may need special tools or techniques to farm rare mounts, such as pet battling and grinding hours. These techniques can help you track down elusive steeds and increase your chances of success.

Are there any risks associated with farming rare mounts?

When farming rare mounts, there is a risk of disrupting their breeding habits and natural farming strategies. You should be aware of this before attempting to acquire any rare mount.

Are there any ways to increase the chances of getting a rare mount?

You can increase your chances of getting a rare mount by taking the bull by the horns and utilizing breeding strategies, visiting farming locations with higher rare drop rates, and keeping an eagle eye out for any opportunities.

Are there any specific rare mounts that are more sought after than others?

You can increase your chances of getting rare mounts by using farmable strategies, hunting down specific mounts, and striving for legendary rewards. Some of the more sought after rare drops include Swift Zulian Tiger, Corrupted Fire Hawk, and Invincible.


Farming rare mounts in WoW can be a long and arduous journey. But, as they say, the sweetest fruit is the one you have to work for!

With a little bit of patience and dedication, you’ll be able to reap the rewards of rare mount farming. And if you’re lucky enough to catch one of these elusive steeds, you could find yourself with an item that’s worth its weight in gold – figuratively speaking, of course!

So don’t give up hope; just keep chasing those dreams and eventually you’ll reach them. And when it comes to farming rare mounts in WoW, there are plenty of rewards waiting on the other side of success.

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